Most often, children who pick up the habit of reading books early, have someone in their family, either parents or other elders, who would have read out a book during bed time or during leisure hours. Through such storytelling/reading children not only develop interest in reading books in one or more languages, but also develop an ability to comprehend different situations, express their emotions and nurture their creativity.

We have been witnessing a sharp decline of such an enriching support system for story reading, with the decline in family size and change in family preferences such as watching TV in the spare time instead of sharing stories.  This reading deficiency is most acute in first-generation learners and the economically underprivileged children. When children do not attain reading fluency, their ability to participate in the general education curriculum and to attain academic success is also severely impaired.

Katha On Ratha(KOR) is a bilingual reading program that aims to break this barrier by providing every child an opportunity to learn to read through enjoyable stories & engaging activities helping them blossom into  lifelong learners

The core focus of KOR program is to improve the reading, comprehension , critical thinking skills & creativity  of children. Students are periodically assessed and grouped according to their learning level (Beginner, Word, Sentence and Story)  and enabled with appropriate interventions to progress from a Beginner to Story level of reading & learning.

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